2009 Bay Stallion
2009 Bay Stallion
2009 Bay Stallion
2009 Bay Stallion
2009 Bay Stallion
Bred to move you...
Formerly the home to the historic Lasma South, the pastures of our Florida farm echo with some of the most historic horses and iconic events of our industry. With our consistent commitment to breed the highest quality bloodstock, we intend to continue that greatness. Join us, to not only to honor this history, but add to it.
Whether you ride with one hand or two, you deserve a quality experience, and we invite you to explore all we do at Conway Arabians. We are just a short drive from the Gainesville Airport and the World Equestrian Center, Ocala.
Stallion Power
Peter and Lori Conway have assembled a remarkable lineup of stallions who are siring some of the finest Arabian horses in the world. Whether your dreams are the National show arena or producing a very best friend to share those quiet, intimate moments with down the trail — the diversity of our stallion line-up is sure to be worthy of your consideration.
The stallions have proven themselves time and time again producing exceptional offspring – be it adorned in National Champion red roses or taking on that final stretch in a competitive trail ride up a mountain — each of the Conway stallions embody characteristics to perpetuate beauty, athleticism, and trainability.
Multi-program nominated, the Conway stallions offer a diversity rarely ever found on one farm – come visit us, we’d love to discuss breeding your mare!
Who We Are
We purchased a farm in Micanopy, Florida, just outside Ocala, in February of 2022 after spending over 20 years at our home in Chatfield, Minnesota.
We decided to move to the Ocala area after taking a vacation in January 2022. During our trip, we encountered a fantastic farm formerly known as Town and Country Farm (Lasma South), where Alec and Louise Cortelis raised and trained incredible Arabian horses. This opportunity solidified our decision to make the move from Minnesota, which had been our home for near thirty years.